3 Words that Transformed my Mid-Life Chaos

The chaos of mid-life hit me when I was 48. I felt trapped in a career that was draining me, my only child was getting ready for to graduate high school, and my body started these horrifying changes that I would later understand to be signs of perimenopause. I was consumed with questions and fear. Everything flipped upside down and I was desperate to regain control. Being a resilient learner, I read books, watched webinars, listened to podcasts, attended trainings…I was consuming anything I could to find answers on how to “fix” me. One day I stopped to review my notes. Three words stood out like a flashing neon sign…Brave, Adapt, and Thrive. BOOM! My mantra was born.

Motivating women to be brave, adapt, so they can thrive through the chaos of mid-life is my purpose in life. My personal chaos led me to that purpose so I have to admit I’m grateful for what I went through.

Let me share with you how those three words can guide you, too.


Be brave enough to make yourself a priority. Most of us are so busy taking care of others that we don’t know how to begin making ourselves a top priority. Start by stopping. Schedule some time to stop and assess how you are using your time, evaluate your commitments, and identify your wants and needs in all aspects of your life. Then, make a list of what needs to change and what you need for support.


All this chaos around you is begging you to adapt your mindset to accommodate healthier, more empowering habits and behaviors. No matter if your chaos is centered around your career, your relationships, your health, or your overall self-confidence, adapting is necessary. It’s time for the “Whoa is me!” mentality to go and for the “Oh yeah? Watch me!” one to take its place. I like to go back to the definition of words when they stand out to me. Adapt means to adjust oneself to different conditions, environment, etc. Do you need to adapt to better fit into your current situation or should you be adapting to a new situation? That’s a big question with tough emotions, I’ll bet.


Thriving to me is feeling empowered to live each day in alignment with your true self and your dreams. From your bravery to make yourself a priority and adapting your mindset will come confidence and clarity. Confidence and clarity will lead to setting goals and identifying action steps. Those steps will align you with your present and your future. I don’t know about you, but thriving is better than just surviving.

Be brave, adapt, so you can thrive. It might be my mantra, but try it on for size. I’m happy to share it!


How to Make Yourself a Priority


Mid-Life is not a Crisis, my Friends!