Are You Managing Your NRG?

During the process of reinventing my coaching business in late 2024, I sat in a fog. Yes, brain fog is a thing for women my age, but that’s not the fog I’m referring to. This fog was in front of my planning process all the time, hiding details and making outcomes indecipherable.

Since I refused to let the fog interfere with my personal growth routine, I continued to listen to podcasts almost every day. And, almost every day, I would have a sentence or even half of one impact me so significantly I would be in tears. I wish I could remember what I was listening to when NRG revealed itself to me (pronounced obviously and accidentally as energy). I only remember piecing together the concepts of nurturing my energy, respecting the process, and giving myself grace, and that being the day the fog cleared.

Nurture Your Energy

As I sat in silence, waiting for the Universe to reveal the next right course of action for living my purpose, I learned to navigate the varying levels of productivity and creativity and not get down on myself about it. I would check in with myself during the lulls to see if anything was ready to emerge. It was almost like "Knock. Knock. You got anything for me today?" I was careful to set boundaries, though, so I wouldn’t get pushy and go back to the place of desperation I had just come from. Nurturing my energy reminds me that I am in charge of my emotions, and I get to decide when to give away my energy and when to take it back.

Respect the Process

I have been told by every life coach I've interacted with that I need to see life as a process. It sounded right when they talked about it, but I couldn’t make sense of it holistically.  Until now! Reinventing my coaching business was possible because of what worked in the past and what didn’t. Respecting the process reminds me that trying and failing is actually trying and learning.

Give Yourself Grace

I see giving myself grace as part permission and part forgiveness. With permission comes patience. With forgiveness comes a second chance. You see, when things happen TO me, I tend to get down on myself. My Judge and my Victim activate, and they make up all kinds of stories about what’s going on. Giving myself grace allows me to take back my power and selfishly (in a good way) do what is best for me at that moment.

I believe learning to nurture my energy, respect the process, and give myself grace was the catalyst for my change this past year. NRG helped me see who I needed me to be and who those around me needed me to be. It helped me get on a new path…a path for the second half of my life that will get me to the life I want to live.

Need a guide to help you manage your NRG? I’m happy to help. Reach out at  


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